1. HealthSafe Help Center
  2. SecurePass™
  3. Explore the Sign in Settings menu

Managing your sign-in steps

1. This is where you can add an additional sign-in step

2. The users available are shown here. When highlighted in green, it means that the step is visible to those user types. If the user types appear in white, the step is not visible to those users.  

V = visitor, BC = basic contractor, C = contractor.  

3. When the eye icon shows a line through it, it means that this step is not visible to any of the users showing in green.

4. The open eye icon means that this step is visible to all of the users showing in green. 

5. The notepad icon is where you can click to edit the contents of the step. For some steps, the content is managed from a submenu instead. 

6. Sign in questions area managed from the ‘Sign-in Questions’ submenu. Only the page title and background appearance of this step, can be edited here.

7. Site information for visitors can be managed in this step. This is where you would include any key information that you want to communicate to all of your visitors during sign-in. 

8. This step is the pretext for contractors completing your induction requirements and is only shown when they are completing or renewing their induction requirements via SecurePass.

9. Any information that you want to communicate to your registered contractors can be added in this step. 

10. Evacuation plan step. The text that you want to communicate can be added here. Your evacuation plan is added via the ‘Evacuation Plan’ submenu. 

11. The Hazards Identification step is where you add the content explaining how you want hazards reported. 

12. You need to open the ‘Hazard Register’ submenu to view, edit and manage your hazard register.