People menu overview

Aside from the Contractor Business profiles, each of these items is site-specific, and anything you view or change will only relate to the site that you are viewing at the time.

Sign-In History (All users) This is where you can view the sign-in history for all users. You can search for a specific user type, individual or sign-in records during a certain time period. We recommend using this page to view sign-in records for any user as currently, this is the only page where an exportable report can be created. 

Click here to view how to run a report using the sign-in history (all users) page.

Pre-loaded Profiles  Visitor details can be added here before they first sign in for a quicker sign-in process. This section isn’t used often as visitor details now auto-populate after the first sign-in with the details that they used to sign in previously. Essentially, visitor details can be added here, but any details added can not be deleted or changed. 

Visitor History This section specifically relates to the sign-in history for visitors only. There are limited search and reporting capabilities from this page, and we recommend using the ‘Sign-In History (All users) page for better search and reporting capabilities.

Basic Contractor  This section specifically relates to the sign-in history for visitors that have signed in using the *Basic Contractor user type. This user type will only be visible if included with your SecurePass subscription. The basic contractor user can be renamed and is commonly used as a contractor sign-in option. It does not have any governance or prequalification requirements.

There are limited search and reporting capabilities from this page, and we recommend using the ‘Sign-In History (All users) page for better search and reporting capabilities.

Contractor Businesses - If you are using our full contractor management system, this is where your contractor businesses can be added and managed. 

Staff Profiles - This is where you can view the staff details loaded at the site. If there is no active staff directory in place, this is also where you can manage your staff profiles. If an active staff directory is in place, you will need to contact your IT team/person to make any changes. 

System Users - This section is where you can invite, view and manage all of your different SecurePass admins including system admins, concierge users, contractor business admins (if applicable) and system integrators (if applicable).