Emergency Event (Mass Communication) Feature

In an emergency, disaster or general roll call situation, pre-approved Admins can run an Emergency Event via a mobile device and perform bulk SMS messaging to Visitors, Contractors and Staff. To create an Emergency Event, click the Emergency Event button on the top left-hand side of the Admin dashboard.  *Note this button will only appear if you have been given permission to run these events. If you require this, this must be requested via our Support channel and approved by our point of contact for your company before being actioned.

To create a new Emergency Event, click on the Emergency Event button on the dashboard's top left-hand side.

Then click on the + New Emergency Event button as shown below.

The below pop-up will appear. Annotate the name of your event, then click “Create Emergency Event”  to start the event. 

Once the event has started, the following screen will appear, displaying the names of all the people currently signed into the premises through SecurePass on the left-hand side.

Via your mobile device, Admin can manually click on the green Safe button alongside any of the Visitors, Contractors or Staff members who can be confirmed as safe/have been confirmed as successfully evacuating the building/site.

For any Visitors, Contractors or Staff who have not evacuated the building or have not yet been located, bulk SMS messaging (including an 'I'm Safe' notification) can be sent to them with the building evacuation or communication instructions. To start this, click Select alongside each person's name, showing a tick symbol. People who have been selected as SAFE will appear on the right-hand side column of the screen.

If an SMS is successfully sent, it will either show as “SMS Sent” or “Awaiting SMS confirmation” until they are moved to the “Safe” column. The SMS failed message will appear alongside a user that has a mobile number associated with their record, but the mobile number is either incorrect or invalid. Likewise, the Invalid phone number message will appear if a user has no mobile number associated with their record. Other badges that may appear include 'Awaiting Receipt', 'Pending', 'SMS Sending' and/or 'Failed'.

The SMS message(s) to be sent can either be selected from a pre-determined drop-down list or customised by the Admin accordingly (note: character limits apply). You can check the boxes to Save this message to your list of pre-determined events, request that the receiver advises that they are “Safe” or to also send the message to staff members that are not currently signed in at the site. Once done, click the green Send Message button to initiate the SMS communications. 

If sending an I'm Safe notification, this will be sent with your message along with a link that allows the receiver to simply click on this to confirm that they are safe.

Admins can continue manually clicking on the green Safe button alongside any of the Visitors, Contractors or Staff members who can be confirmed as safe/have been confirmed as successfully evacuating the building/site whilst Visitors, Contractors or Staff have been sent a text message asking them to confirm that they are Safe. As their statuses are confirmed via text message, you will see them move from the Currently signed in column on the left to the Safe column on the right

Likewise, if someone is incorrectly marked as Safe, you can click the “Remove” button alongside their name in the right-hand column to return them to the Currently signed in column on the left. 

When someone clicks the link to confirm that they are safe they will see the following message appear on their screen.

If the emergency event has finished or, the individual has already been marked as Safe the following message will appear when they click the link included in the SMS. 

If required, you can also search for an individual by typing their name in the search box.

To close the Emergency Event, click on the red Close Emergency Event button located on the top left hand side of the Admin dashboard followed by OK.

To view the Emergency Event report, click on the green View Report button alongside the event to the right hand side of the screen.

The Emergency Event report will then appear with two columns; 'Unknown Status' and 'SAFE'.